Weight of Your Words 

4 Episodes

We’ve all heard the adage that actions speak louder than words. But the words are pretty loud too. We have all been shaped by words spoken to us. We’ve even been shaped by the words that weren’t spoken to us. While we’ve all felt this, we have a hard time believing that our own words have as much weight as the words that we have received from others. In this series, we’ll learn to properly assess and leverage the weight of your words.  

The Weight of Your Words, Episode 1
Original Airdate: October 13th, 2024

Episode 1: "Story Tellers"

Have you ever had a moment where your brain caught up with your words – three seconds after they left your lips?  Why do we say the dumb things we sometimes say?  It happens because there is a direct conduit from your heart to your mouth. Sometimes, the things that you really believe, think and feel in your heart get out of your mouth before your brain has a chance to filter them. Your words are the window to your heart. As we begin this series, we will learn about the importance of paying attention to your words. What story are your words telling?  

The Weight of Your Words, Episode 2
Original Airdate: October 20th, 2024

Episode 2: “Weigh Way More” 

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. It's cute, but it’s not true. Words have power - power to build - power to destroy. Words shape reality. In fact, the words spoken to you have shaped you in both healthy and unhealthy ways. Words weigh way more than we think they should or do.  Since words are so powerful, we will begin to discover how to use your words to make a difference, not a point.  

The Weight of Your Words, Episode 3
Original Airdate: October 27th, 202424

Episode 3: "Down Words”

There’s a common habit that is destroying American families and communities. They’re being destroyed through words of gossip and slander. This Sunday we will see why God reserves the harshest judgement for gossips and slanderers. More importantly, we will unmask the self-deceptions that cause us to justify gossip and replace them with words that build community.  

The Weight of Your Words, Episode 4
Original Airdate: November 3rd, 2024

Episode 4: "Judge Not” 

“Don’t judge me” is a popular phrase. Yet people continually pass judgment on one another. We judge people for their politics, their competence, their appearance, their maturity, and – well, pretty much anything. This judgmental attitude is dividing people. Jesus had something to say about this. He didn’t tell us not to judge others. He told us that you will be judged by the same standard that you judge others. How do you want to be judged? You probably want to be judged NOT. In this message, we’ll learn a new filter to use before passing judgment on others.