Hope Youth
9th-12th Grade Sunday Nights
Welcome to Hope Youth for High School Students!
When you arrive on Sunday nights, you'll experience an atmosphere filled with excitement as high school students gather, catching up with friends and meeting new faces. The space is often filled with games and relaxation areas.
A night at our high school youth group is a lively and engaging experience tailored to meet the unique needs and interests of high schoolers. The night typically kicks off with an icebreaker game or student-led worship, followed by a relevant and engaging message designed to help high schoolers in their current walks of life. We understand that high school can be stressful, and we are here to help.
When you arrive on Sunday nights, you'll experience an atmosphere filled with excitement as high school students gather, catching up with friends and meeting new faces. The space is often filled with games and relaxation areas.
A night at our high school youth group is a lively and engaging experience tailored to meet the unique needs and interests of high schoolers. The night typically kicks off with an icebreaker game or student-led worship, followed by a relevant and engaging message designed to help high schoolers in their current walks of life. We understand that high school can be stressful, and we are here to help.
Winter Serving Event:
What is this event?
Our High School students are collecting food for Ding Dong Dinner, where students will deliver shelf-stable meals to homes in need for Thanksgiving on November 24th. They’ll pray for guidance as they deliver the meals. We're collecting the following items:
Pasta sauce
Canned fruit
Canned veggies
Pasta sauce
Canned fruit
Canned veggies